Tuesday 1 December 2009

1906 Blackton

J Stuart Blackton, also known as James Stuart Blackton, use to be an American Producer of the Silent Era, the founder of Vitagraph Studios and among the first filmmakers to use the techiniques of stop-motion and drawn Animation.
In 1906, Blackton directed Humourous Phases of Funny Faces, which uses stop-motion as well as stick puppetry to produce a series of effects.
After Blackton's hand draws two faces on a chalkboard, they appear to come to life and engage in antics.

The audience would be adults because it's stick people that make funny faces and do humourous phases, it's not for children.
The important history would be how J Stuart Blackton used chalk people for animation becuase doing animation with chalk and on a chalk board would be very hard.
The technique being used was puppetry and hand drawing faces on chalk stick people.

The technology being used was stop motion and drawn animation.

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