Tuesday 1 December 2009

c16 Bird and Cage

Dr John Ayrton Paris problably invented the Bird and Cage trick, also known as, the Thaumatrope in the year 1825.
It may also have been invented by Sir John Herschel, Charles Babbage, or any of a handful of others, but Paris is usually considered the originator.
This is the simplest of all these devises to build. Cut out a round disc from a piece of fairly thick white board, size is not crictical, punch two holes at two sides of the round disc and thread some string in the holes, afterwards you illustrate it with a bird on one side and the cage on the other side, but the cage must be drawn upside down, that's where the illusion comes in.

The audience of this animation is mainly children from the victorian era.
It's importanrt because it can show a wonderful illusion by flipping it around so that you would see the bird is really inside a cage.
A technique was used by using two pieces of string and threading them in two little holes beside each side of the circle.
There was no technology used, it was primitive back then and simple to do.

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